Saturday, April 11, 2009

Entering King Neptune's Zone

According to the GPS we have about 161 miles to the anchorage at San Cristobal Island. In about 45 miles we'll cross the equator. We hope to celebrate in the traditional way of honoring "King Neptune" by dressing up in goofy costumes and having yummy food. We might also fit in a game of scrabble. Our ETA is after Brian goes to bed tonight so we might have an early party. Regardless of when it is, I'll capture the crossing on film.


acceber1971 said...

Hey Kids, just saw this in the headlines after I read your last update...Enjoy and be safe--rebecca

Ecuador officials say a volcano is erupting in the Galapagos Islands and could harm unique wildlife.
The Galapagos National Park says La Cumbre volcano began spewing lava, gas and smoke on uninhabited Fernandina Island on Saturday after four years of inactivity.
The park says in a statement the eruption is not a threat to people living on nearby Isabela Island.
But it says lava flowing to the sea will likely affect marine and terrestrial iguanas, wolves and other fauna.

MeganandBrian said...

You're right about the Volcano. We heard about it as well. Unfortunately, we're over 100 miles from it. So we're safe but also don't get to see the "show"