Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Leaving David for Good....Galapagos here we come.

For 26 "balboas" (aka dollars) we got an air-conditioned room in the Hotel Iris on the plaza of David, Panama.  Our last splurge before crossing to Galapagos.  We could have paid 18 bucks for no AC but we're using this as our home base today and tomorrow as we get our official zarpe (paperwork for leaving the country) and purchase last minute supplies. 

Right before we left the boat this morning in Boca Chica I found our hidden stash of cash from a couple friends back home.  It is allocated just for buying school supplies for kids we encounter along our journey.  It's perfect timing because the summer break is ending this month and kids are all heading back to school.  We promised Domingo's daughter we'd buy her four-year-old some crayons and construction paper.  This little girl, Daisy, is absolutely adorable.  Her personality makes me laugh.  We were out on a walk with her and her folks.  She found a stick and rode it around and around like it was a horse.  Then she used it to write on the ground.  She's sweet and spunky and energetic and curious.  Not only that, she's been begging her grandma to go to school for the last month.  She can hardly wait.  With some of the cash from you guys, I got extra construction paper, drawing paper, and colors for her classroom.  Also, I bought even more colored pencils for an after-school program in Tonga.  I've been in contact with them and they asked for art supplies.   We won't be there till this September but some stuff is so cheap in Panama, I'm stocking up.  So, save your art supplies for me.  I'll be home for 3 weeks in July (Daphne's having another baby) so I can pick up stuff like beads, yarn, crafty things.

The next day.....

So, we're off to the Galapagos.  We've hired a taxi to bring ourselves and our last items.... THANKS TO RUSS (a.k.a. Independent Sail Repairs) IN THE GORGE for sending Brian a whole quiver of kiteboarding kites.  This time we realized that paying the extortion money to the subcontractor of our express transportation company (the one that lied to us on our last packages) was unnecessary.  We already paid the main company. 
So, with a few more veggies, a fishing net, a spear gun (Brian's new fishing enterprise) we're off. 

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