Sunday, October 4, 2009


just wasting time in the internet cafe that's located in the chinese restaurant.  this morning I helped the people from the base rake the mango pits, leaves, grass clippings, and tamarind pods up from the football field sized park in front of their base.  hot but satisfying work.  Brian spent the morning organizing construction tools and assessing what supplies are already available at the base so he can begin building the cabinet doors they need on some hallway shelves.  We ate lunch with them and then off to the the Marine Reach headquarters to meet with Richard.  Marine Reach is the branch of YWAM that focuses on medical and dental and mental health issues.  They not only use ships and boats to bring care to remote places, but use mobile truck clinics to bring care to villagers inland.  I'm excited about what they're doing and how we could be a part of it.  Richard has long wanted to use cruisers to transport workers out to remote locations where their large ship can't reach.  He is a Kiwi with a lot of knowledge of sailing and his enthusiasm for what he's doing and how we could be involved was quite encouraging.  I'll be posting some more detailed descriptions of what they do.

1 comment:

MAGmom said...

Hi Megan and Brian,
I think I just signed on to your blog. I want to read ALL of your blogs. We are so grateful that you missed the tsunami but grieve with you over the loss of your young friend. Brian, you are STILL a great writer. Both of you write so well that we can SEE what your words describe. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure will all of us.

Diane Quantic