Saturday, August 29, 2009

smallest Nomad crew member disappears

I'm missing Moko. We haven't seen him since last week when we were tied to the dock. Did he hear the call of the wild and jump ship? We were hearing other geckos chirping in the palm trees at night. Maybe he heard them too and followed their voices.

In other news, it was not 50 bananas in that bunch we received, it was over 150!! I have since given away almost 80 bananas but they keep ripening too quickly for us to eat them all. However, I'm now beginning the process of drying them-I slice them long and very thin and then lay them in the sun or (as is the case now) when there's rain and overcast skies, I put them in the oven on a low setting for a long time. Fortunately they are only about 3-4 inches long and getting smaller the closer they get to the top of the stalk. The top banana is only 1 inch long.

In the next few days we will leave for the one day journey to Maupiti, a rural island and the last of our French Polynesian stops. From there, we will depart for Fiji with a possible stopover in Western Samoa.

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